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The Traveled Road: Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 19530 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: JCutter
Added: Apr 24 2002Views / Reads: 1541 / 1405 [91%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
The road of life takes its travelers to wild and unexpected places. The relationship between David and Kimberly deepens. His closest friend is introduced. Old passions are renewed. New passions are discovered. (New character: Jill Brubaker)

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Feedback is desired and greatly appreciated so drop me a line with your thoughts on the story. Creative development suggestions for future chapters also welcome. Send comments to cutter_jack@hotmail.com. Oh and by the way, special thanks to a certain Pretty Young Thing for helping me finish this chapter.

The Traveled Road Copyright April 2002 by Jack Cutter.

"The Traveled Road: Part Two"


The following day, a Thursday as it happened to be, progressed quickly. David spent the day visiting an old college friend who lived in the New York area, and in every moment unoccupied by conversation with said person he expended his energies reliving the fantastic events of the previous evening. Kimberly had been gorgeous, charming, generous, warm, funny - and simply insatiable. He knew he was on dangerous ground with the woman; he was swiftly becoming addicted to being with her.

The next night of their acquaintance was Saturday night, three days later. He would definitely not see her before then - she was out of town on business. And so he had that much time to relish in the overabundance of resplendent nude female images burned into his brain.


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