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Sara and the skirt..this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2018 words)

Author: Ginger
Added: Apr 24 2002Views / Reads: 4960 / 4124 [83%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
It was her favorites skirt, but who knew how great it really was? How an emberassing moment turned into the best sex of this students life, and with her teacher none the less. I love feedback, even if its negative! So feel free to e mail me anytime!

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The sun was barely out at 7 when the first bell rang and students rushed to their first class of the day. Everyone was tired and sick of school, even the teachers, but there were only 2 more weeks left, so they would have to suffer through it silently. Mr. Oliver snapped the shades shut as he heard his first students shuffling into his classroom. He turned around and smiled at all the tired faces as he slipped behind his desk. "Good Morning everyone! I'm so glad to see everyone is awake this morning, because we have a test on the bones in the hand," he said happily. Some students groaned at the word test while others looked completely taken by surprise and frantically grabbed for their notebooks. Sara looked around the room and smiled while she straightened her skirt and did her best to look collected and ready to tackle the test. She leaned down and unzipped the front of her feminine purple backpack and pulled a mechanical pencil out of her bag. Sara knew that the boys in her grade wanted her, and most of the girls wanted to be her. It didn't really matter to her though, because she wasn't interested in being with any of the immature, show off boys in her school. She wanted a real man. Someone like, well like Mr. Oliver. Pleasant, smart, funny, and yes, I suppose he was very handsome. She shrugged the thought out of her head and began to name the bones in the hand, like the class had studied for, for the past week and a half. Mr. Oliver turned to his computer and began to start up the program for grades. So many kids were getting bad grades, and had the ability to do so much better. He tried to help them as much as he could considering they needed his class for graduation, but it got so frustrating! He ...

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