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There will have to be some changesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 7818 words) [2/15] show all parts

Author: Dave & Lynn
Added: Apr 27 2002Views / Reads: 3650 / 3003 [82%]Part vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
this is chapter 2, please read chapter 1 to meet the people. in this chapter we get to know more about each couple and what changes they will have to make because of this relationship

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Chapter 2

Some things are going to have to change around here

To say that we are in a different tax bracket than Tom and Sharon would be an under statement. The table that Sharon had me strip naked and lie down on still dripping from my adventure with Dave that morning, is an $18,000 custom built table and the six chairs around it are $1,000 each. The big screen TV that showed Sharon and I bigger that life pleasuring each other has a $20,000 Bose surround system. If Tom had cranked it up every one in the neighborhood could have heard us getting each other off, even though the house sits in the center of 5 acres. If that wasn't enough there is a matching system down stairs in what we have come to call "Kelly's Bar" not to mention the light and sound system for the dance floor. Anyway Dave and I are out of our league here but when we are together it doesn't seem to mater. Tom and Sharon are so down to earth loving people.

I am used to waking up with Dave snuggled behind me holding my tit but this morning it was a much softer hand holding me. I thought she must be doing it in her sleep when she started squeezing and massaging it. Then she started brushing her finger back and forth across the nipple, which was making it very hard. I turned in her arm and she was looking at me and I kissed her good morning. We started to giggle and I put my finger to her lips to be quite. We slid out of the bed and headed for ...

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