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The Getawaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 9041 words) [3/15] show all parts

Author: Dave & Lynn
Added: May 02 2002Views / Reads: 2661 / 2329 [88%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
this is chapter 3 please read 1 & 2 first First Dave and Lynn have to get away from their house thanks to Tom, then all four decide to get away and meet some new friends

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Chapter 3 The Getaway

We feel more comfortable including Scott in our activities now. Dave and I are both amazed at how much Tom and Sharon enjoy "hanging out" at our place. They say it is more cozy, which Dave and I take to mean small and cluttered, but we enjoy their company. When they started coming over Dave made the mistake of taking Tom on a tour of the house. We had just bought it a couple years ago and we were slowly fixing it up the way we wanted.

One Friday I came home from work and there was a congestion of construction trucks in front of my house. All of them had the logo "Kelly Homes". I was standing looking at all these trucks when this guy came up and asked, "Are you Mrs. Davy?" I said, "Yes" and he just turned and walked back yelling, "This is the place." Yes that does make my husband's name David Davy which is why we don't mention it much. I was shaking my head when Tom pulled up. I told him, "You know Dave is going to have a fit." Every time you try to stop Tom his response is always the same, "What is money for if you can't spend it on the ones you love?" He said, "You and Dave have given Sharon and I so much, it's just our way of saying thank you." I had to laugh and said, "A card would have been nice, not a $30,000 renovation."

The guys had already started working when Dave got home. I met him at the door and he just shook his head and said, "I said the wrong thing ...

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