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Grocery Shoppingthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 1864 words)

Author: justin40
Added: May 04 2002Views / Reads: 10944 / 7991 [73%]Story vote: 7.69 (13 votes)
My best shopping day

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I stopped at my local supermarket on my way home from an afternoon of golf. I needed to pick up a few things for that evening. I started down one aisle and stopped to look at the selections and a cart bumped into me from behind. As this happens occasionally I though nothing of it. Then the cart bumped into me again, so I looked back to see what was going on. Much to my surprise, a couple were shopping and she was bent over to look at items on the bottom shelf.

She was wearing what I call a peasants blouse which has a very loose top. As she was bent over, the blouse had fallen away and was giving me a great view of her breasts. I smiled to myself and moved on after a quick glance down the front of her blouse.

In the next aisle, I was bumped into again and again it was the same couple. She was again looking at something on the bottom shelf so I got another eyefull. This time I noticed that her husband was watching me, with a smile on his face. I licked my lips and smiled back as I took another look.

A bit later I stopped again and looked back and they were right behind me again. This time she just leaned over her cart to give me yat again another view of her breasts. I smiled and licked my lips again and she peeked at me and winked. Her husband asked if I was enjoying the view. I told them I was. He than asked if I would like a better look at them. I said that I had all the time in the world so I would be happy to see ...

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