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Le Bel de Merthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 6509 words)

Author: Sexual Narcotic
Added: May 04 2002Views / Reads: 1487 / 1271 [85%]Story vote: 8.50 (6 votes)
On the eve of their anniversary dinner at Le Bel, Kat recalls sexual adventures with her husband Scott at their favorite restaurant. Exhibitionism and threesome themes.

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Scott and I had been married for two years. He was a prosecutor for the District Attorney's office in San Diego. I was in my last year at California Western School of Law.

I was studying for exams and Scott had been working on the preliminaries for a major upcoming trial. Our schedules were busy at this point in our lives. By the time the evenings rolled around, we were too tired to go out, let alone have sex. We both missed it and it was causing a lot of tension in our otherwise happy life. That was about to change.

While at the library studying the afternoon of our anniversary, my cell phone rang. I picked it up and went outside to take the call.

"Hello. Kat Nichols."

"A gorgeous pussy you are, too, Mrs. Nichols" Scott said in his low voice that sent a warm tingle through my body.

God, that voice. It was so deep it just seemed to ooze sensuality. Everything about him was sexy to me and always had been.

At 46 years old, Scott was a handsome man. His hair was blonde, though if you looked close enough you could see a few silver streaks disbursed here and there. He stood six feet tall and though he had just begun to put on some weight from too many late-night take-outs during this trial ...

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