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The hidden side of a workmatethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1792 words)

Author: cliff205
Added: May 07 2002Views / Reads: 2724 / 2252 [83%]Story vote: 8.50 (6 votes)
A couple of drinks allows workmate to explore her wild side

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It was the end of the first day of a 3 day seminar. I'd already made my presentation and now I could relax through the next two days.

Just time to take a shower and get back to have dinner with everyone. I wasn't really looking forward to this evening but hopefully once people had eaten we could all go our separate ways.

I was one of the last to arrive at the restaurant, looked around at everyone and thought to myself "please make this evening go quickly". Just then I felt someone grab my arm whilst telling me I was late. I looked round to see Jenny, one of the girls from the class, standing there. Jenny and I have worked together on a number of projects and always got on well. She told me she had saved me a place at her table. I grabbed each of us a glass of wine and we made our way to the table. We sat and chatted and the time flew by. I was having a great time and didn't even notice the other people at the table. As people finished eating they all started to drift away in their own little groups. The seminar was being held in Jenny's home town so I knew soon she would be heading home to her husband and young daughter so when she asked if I wanted to get a drink somewhere I was surprised.

We took my car and headed out of town for a bar I'd noticed on my way in this morning. When we pulled up there were only about 6 cars in the parking lot. We went inside and while I got the drinks she headed for a booth in the far corner. ...

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