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Katy - The Sex Slave Secretarythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6379 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Cueman
Added: May 08 2002Views / Reads: 5582 / 4596 [82%]Part vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
Katy's boss makes her fuck a couple of his "friends"

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Chapter 2 - Schoolgirl Gangbang

For the next fortnight, Katy served her boss like a dutiful young slave. She wore whatever he told her to - always a short skirt, and often without any underwear. The pretty blonde did exactly what he said, performing the most degrading sex acts on herself, on him, or on whoever he told her to. Most days John would fuck her at lunch time, and then again after work. He would never let her clean herself up afterwards, so Katy would spend all afternoon with his cum leaking out of her shaven pussy, and dripping down her legs. He'd even insisted on taking some sleazy pictures of her with his digital camera, and videoing her fucking herself. (Please note if you wish to know exactly what John made Katy do for those two weeks, and what she thought about it, read Katy's Diary - Becoming John's Slave, published on this site June 2002.)

It was Saturday morning, and the office had been really quiet. Katy was sitting on her boss's knee, and he was fingering her pussy, making her really quite wet. John had told her to wear the same outfit, that she had worn the day before. It consisted of a short black skirt, white lace top hold up stockings, a skimpy white thong, and a black fitted jacket, with just a black satin Wonderbra underneath. The skirt covered her stocking tops, just about, but it had a small split at the back, so that when she walked, anyone behind her would be able to see that it was stockings, and not tights that she was wearing. It also had a ...

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