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Man-Eaterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3187 words)

Author: Sven the Elder Picture in profile
Added: May 11 2002Views / Reads: 1104 / 807 [73%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Will he be just another notch on the bedpost...

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'Man-eater' Copyright May 2002 Sven the Elder

I was having a drink the other day with a friend who knows about my writing; indeed, I suppose I should really call him a fan. He was taking me to task for not writing anything recently.

"Oh! That's easy to explain," I said. "New job, a partner who knows about and doesn't like my 'hobby'... oh, and a lack of new plots."

"Jeez!" he said, "You'll have me in tears next." Then he followed it up by saying, "Go on, what about that truism we were talking about a minute ago?"

"Which one?" I countered.

"Oh, Gawd," he said, "you really do have a bad memory! The one where you told me that these days you've given up fancying the younger women; you prefer their mothers."

Actually, inside I was still thinking of the remark. Alan had commented that at least older women possessed two things their younger counterparts didn't: patience and gratitude -- sexist remarks, ones which I took great pains to dissociate myself from, I might add.

The conversation in the pub went on to higher planes after that, but I ...

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