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Getting Closerthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 1744 words)

Author: Foxfire01
Added: May 15 2002Views / Reads: 13358 / 10105 [76%]Story vote: 7.60 (5 votes)
It was my first year at college, and little did I know what lay in store for me...

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Getting Closer

It was my first year at college. I was scared as hell, but everyone kept telling me how fun it would be, and how much I would learn. By the end of the year, I certainly had learned and experienced a lot, just not what anyone I knew was talking about...

It all started one clear fall night in the dorm room I shared with my roommate. Her name was Carly, a pretty blond girl with the biggest blue eyes you ever saw. Nice tan legs and the sweetest little perky ass in the western hemisphere.

Anyways, I had just gotten into bed and had begin to drift off when I felt someone nudge me slightly and scoot into the bed with me. I moved over a little and opened my eyes a little and could see Carly peering down at me in the light from the window. "I got cold. Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?" I was a little weirded out by this, but I was too polite to mention it, and consented. She snuggled next to me in the small bed, a little too close for comfort, and I could see that she had on a tank top with no bra and teeny little shorts that emphasized her ass (no panties either, I was sure). I didn't have on bra or panties either, and was acutely aware of the fact, and was afraid she would be, too.

I watched her as she sighed gently and snuggled up closer to me, pushing ...

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