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A Night In Paradisethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 2735 words)

Author: Oweinapllyr
Added: May 16 2002Views / Reads: 1733 / 1289 [74%]Story vote: 6.50 (2 votes)
It's been awhile since I've posted a story. Now, for the second time, I will attempt to fulfill my desire to be an amateur writer.

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Spring break was just around the corner and Larry had no clue as to what he was going to do; or, even if he was going out of town for the big event. This was his first time being away from home. A freshman in college; three hundred miles away from home. He started to feel homesick and wanted to be around his friends and family. 'No!' he thought as he sat down in front of his computer and started to research the expenses of a trip to the West Coast. He'd been to almost every major resort and vacation city on the east coast as a child with his family; and, was ready to try something different and new. All the other students were making plans to visit Florida, New York, Massachusetts, Georgia, and various other hot gay spots. Larry had heard of some the 'hot' action out west and was willing to fly to try the new experience.

As he continued his research, hunger pangs started to distract him. He stood and walked down the hall of his dorm to the community lounge and quickly looked over the 'junk' food items in the vending machine. He realized nothing there was going to give him the long-lasting satisfaction of a full course meal; so, he set his thoughts on going to one of the nearby fast food restaurants. He walked back to his room and donned a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeve pull-over shirt. It was still a bit nippy in the Central Plains at night and he wanted to be dressed for the walk.

As he walked past all the major chains of restaurants, nothing seemed to ...

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