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The Evil Doctor Averythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1548 words)

Author: SEX_VAMPYRE Picture in profile
Added: May 19 2002Views / Reads: 4571 / 4212 [92%]Story vote: 8.27 (11 votes)
An unscrupulous doctor enjoys naive bride-to-be.

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Dr. Joseph Avery picked up a needle from his cabinet. He filled it with a [censored] drug that made the patient malleable to suggestion. The door to his exam room opened and his last patient for the day entered.

"Hello I'm Dr. Avery... You must be Beth," The doctor smiled while shaking the hand of the attractive twenty four year old red head.

Beth Ryan was raised in a conservative Irish Catholic family. She didn't find it the least suspicious when Doctor Avery's nurse left early that day. Beth sat down on the exam table as Dr. Avery locked the door.

"Yes, I'm Beth," She answered wearing a green paper gown.

"What brings you here today?" Dr Avery asked.

"I'll be getting married next month and I need my regular ob/gyn exam. My old doctor retired and you were highly recommended doctor. " The naïve your woman answered.

"Whose the lucky young man?"

"He's my high school sweetheart, Ben Rogers. I'm so in love with him doctor. I'm so excited about the wedding. " She bubbled

"Okay Beth, let's take a look inside you. Open your mouth and say 'aaah. ...

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