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Staying in shapethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1555 words)

Author: shayexhibits Picture in profile
Added: May 28 2002Views / Reads: 2117 / 1446 [68%]Story vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
Before I lived in the country, I had to find ways to stay in shape

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Staying in Shape

Living in the country, it's a little easier to stay in shape, but it wasn't always that way.

Having a nine to five office job makes it a nit more difficult, to stay in shape, and the best way I have found to keep my legs slim and my butt firm, is to bike to and from work. Besides the health and physical benefits, I get to wear sleek, skin tight biking outfits. Or if I'm feeling especially daring, which is most of the time, I wear one of my short "professional" skirts. The city I use to live in isn't all that big and it doesn't take long to start recognizing people and vise versa. I always love the feeling that passes over the faces of those that recognize me when they come into my office to deliver or pick up something. I usually give them something to look at when they do see me. I keep all my packages far from my desk, so that I have to get up and thats when if they are quick, they get a little peek between my legs, or when I bend over they can get a good look down my blouse. The company I worked for was based out of a larger city on the west coast, so it was usually just me. I unfortunately had to work on a particular fourth of July one time, they main office was in an audit and I had to fax them things from time to time all day. I was going to make the best of it though, so I dressed in my sexiest work outfit. A short black skirt, with a matching black jacket. Under that, a sheer silk camisole, that was really transparent. No bra or panties today, it's ...

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