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Camping Trip Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 865 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Nicola32 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 04 2002Views / Reads: 966 / 0 [0%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
This time he shows her just how much fun camping can be.

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Once again I was sitting around the fire with many empty bottles of beer scattered, I looked down at my watch wondering what time it was, and if you would really show up. I couldn't believe how free I felt last night, and after I was alone snuggled into my sleeping bag; I replayed the scenes in my head only to arouse myself again. Just thinking about that moment now, I could feel my insides stirring, wanting to be let out. At that moment my thoughts were disturbed by footsteps, only to look up and see you standing there. Butterflies began flying around in my stomach, I took a deep breath as you neared me, extending your arms placing your hands around mine to pull me to my feet, looking straight into my eyes, and planting a soft kiss on my lips. I removed my hands from your grasp, and wrapped my arms around your neck. I guess I wanted you to feel my hardened nipples against your chest. You began walking forcing me to walk backwards or fall, once we reached that so familiar picnic table you, lifted me, placing my bottom on that cold familiar spot. You spoke telling me just how much you enjoyed last nights show but you also thought that part two would only be improved. That was as your lips were softly kissing my neck as your fingertips brushed my cleavage, my stomach, my love button, and then back up. I sighed, as your touch was unbelievable. You removed the t-shirt I had thrown on, leaving my breasts shadowed by the fire but my nipples so erect from the touch and night air. I wanted you now but you wouldn't allow that at this moment, wait you told me it will come soon enough and then it will be like never before.


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