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The Widow Parker--Part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1646 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: imkidding
Added: Jun 05 2002Views / Reads: 1808 / 1419 [78%]Part vote: 6.50 (2 votes)
Adam's Birthday. He never celebrated it like this.

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Adam felt the burning sensation and looked down at his leg. Blood was streaming out of his thigh. He fell to the ground and heard the painful sounds of others around him. A few feet away, he saw Major James Parker shouting orders to his troops. He saw the Major suddenly grasp his chest and fall.

He woke up. He hadn't had this nightmare in several months. He was sweating, as the horrors of the war returned to him. It was still dark outside. He lay awake thinking of the past couple of weeks.

Before Major Parker had succummed to his wounds, he had written a letter to his wife and daughter. He made Adam promise to deliver it to them. It had taken quite a long time, but Adam finally made it to the Parker farm.

Major Parker's widow, Ruth, and daughter, Ann, had taken him in and he thought of what had occurred since that fateful day. Ruth and he became lovers. He had deflowered Ann. The days were spent in the fields and the nights making love to one of the two ladies.

He thought about the differences between Ruth and Ann. Ruth was sure of what she wanted and had taught Adam things he had never experienced before. Ann was his student, and very anxious to learn. He had never known women like this before. They responded like no others. Their sexual appetites never ending. ...

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