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Captive Heartsthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 16562 words)

Author: Colleen Thomas
Added: Jun 09 2002Views / Reads: 4240 / 3047 [72%]Story vote: 9.50 (12 votes)
Abigail meets the legendary Pirate, Black Lissa.

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Colleen Thomas MissColly@aol.com 06/07/02

[Authors Note: The term cunny is prevalent in the anonymous erotic fiction of Edwardian England. It is roughly analogous to the word pussy and is used in this manner. None of my research revealed a similar term that is congruent with the time period of this story, which is late 17th century. If any of my readers know of a less anachronistic term I would greatly appreciate them writing.

C.T. ]

Captive Hearts

The Lady Abigail Rodgers stood at the rail of the sloop of war HMS Indomitable. She was a small woman with flaxen hair and pale blue eyes. The dark dress she wore made her appear even smaller with its wide skirts and voluminous petticoats. She was the very picture of an English Lady out to get some air on a long voyage, but this was no pleasure trip. Each passing moment the fast little ship was carrying her towards an uncertain fate. The deep azure blue of the Atlantic had already given way to the bluegreens of the shallower Caribbean.

Soon St. Eustacius will be in sight and not long after that the end of my world, she thought bitterly. Even the sea seems to pity me. Why must my father do this to me? ...

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