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Dean's Officethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5995 words)

Author: Madison
Added: Jun 05 2000Views / Reads: 6124 / 5164 [84%]Story vote: 8.75 (12 votes)
A teenage school girl gets in trouble for something she didn't even do. This story involves blackmail and a spanking... All comments or Q's appreciated

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Dean's Office.

One day while at school, something interesting happened. I should start by saying that I am eighteen years old and attend a private college. It is a coed school and all the boys and girls are required to wear a uniform. I am there on an academic scholarship and must maintain a certain level of excellence to keep my scholarship. The rules here are kept quite strictly. One day in class our teacher, Mr. Black decided to give us a pop quiz. No one had really studied. I noticed that the boy next to me was looking onto my paper for the answers. How dare he! One thing that had been strictly enforced was cheating. If one was caught, it could result in expulsion and no school would want someone who had been thrown out of a highly rated college. School policy was that if you saw someone cheating to report it to the teacher or to the dean.

After class ended and I was making my way out, the boy who had been cheating off of my paper slipped me a note on my desk as he left. I opened it, "meet me right after school in room 127 downstairs. It will be important that you be there!" Now what did he want?

When school ended I made my way downstairs and walked into the room I was instructed to. I sat down in a school desk and waited for the boy I had seen cheating off me. I think his name was Billy. After about twenty minutes, he walked in with such confidence I knew something was suspicious. ...

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