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Need You, Want You, Love Youthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 10403 words)

Author: eclecticlisa
Added: Jun 18 2002Views / Reads: 1418 / 976 [69%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Getting together after a separation of 20 years, will old friends become new lovers? (NOTE: To the reader who voted One and then said "Get A Divorce, Don't Cheat, You're a Slut/Whore". Get real! This is fantasy! What did you expect under the ca

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To John: In the hope that someday fantasy may become reality . . .

Need You, Love You, Want You Part I

She stood outside his door gathering the strength needed to knock. "What am I doing? I've been totally faithful for the past 30 years to my husband; I haven't even flirted with another man since we've been married, almost 27 years now. And here I am looking forward to an afternoon of sex with a man I haven't seen in 20 years. But John and I have talked of nothing else for the past few months while waiting impatiently for a day when he had to come up to Chicago on business so that we could get together. Both of us are married and have been involuntarily celibate for years; our spouses having lost all interest in fulfilling our most basic needs. We both remain married for reasons unrelated to romantic love or commitment; I stay out of economic necessity. John remains married to be with the son he loves. In a few years, when his son goes to college, there is a possibility that we may be free to be together, but I can only hope."

She knocked on his door, "John, it's me, Lisa!"

He opened the door with a big smile and closed it shut behind them after putting out the "Do Not Disturb" sign and fastening the chain lock. "Are you trying to keep the maids out, or keep me in?" joked Lisa.


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