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After Workthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1800 words)

Author: Coach
Added: Jun 20 2002Views / Reads: 3809 / 2936 [77%]Story vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
A story about a chance encounter between two professionals...(mf, oral)

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I pushed my way through the glass revolving door and out onto the street and was greeted by a wall of humid, summer air. I trudged down the city street, all the while replaying the meeting I had just left. I had worked on a big sales proposal for a client for almost 2 full weeks. I had worked through every possible scenario and detail. I had thought I was fully prepared to give the presentation to the Review Board. Apparently not. The Board memebers sat stone faced and gave me no indication of how they may vote on the $2.2 million IT upgrade. The only thing I got from these men was blank stares, which usually, is a bad sign.

I got to my car, paid the parking attendent and eased out onto the busy downtown street. I live in a northern suburb of the city and just wanted to get on the freeway and get home. As I sat at a traffic light, I flipped on the radio and was greeted by the news of huge accident, northbound on I-35, which had snarled traffic all over the downtown area. Well, that just makes my day, I thought, and called my wife to tell her I wouldn't be home anytime soon. I sat through 4 light changes without moving. Fuck this!, I thought, and wedged my way into the turn lane and made a U turn. I thought I would take a couple back streets and outsmart the other 1 million people trying to get home. Well, I wasn't as smart as I thought and the traffic was no better going the other way. It was then that I decided to calm my nerves with a drink and wait out the traffic jam with a cold beer. I pulled into an open spot along the street, locked my car and walked a ...

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