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Francythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 4950 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Hcstuds
Added: Jun 20 2002Views / Reads: 3334 / 2547 [76%]Part vote: 7.00 (3 votes)
Older man falls for hot latina bartender at his clubhouse.

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It seemed that every day he could not wait to see her. She had made such a difference in his life and he did not think that she even knew it. She came to work at the clubhouse about a month and a half ago and since then his life had changed. She was very pretty. Even though she was from Columbia, she was blond. Her breasts were not all that large but big enough for her petite body. She was thirty-five. She was Franchesca or Francy for short.

His name was Fred Maple and he was a long time resident of the Cottonwood Golf Estates. His house was on the fourteenth fairway. He lived there with his wife until she died six years ago. She had found out that she had cancer and was dead three and a half months later. He found some solace that she had not suffered a prolonged illness. Since her death, he had found it harder and harder to find the enthusiasm to work the long hours that it took to run his business. He was handing the day-to day operations to his two sons who were capable to carry on.

He had become more aware of his body and the need to take care of it. He took Lipator for his high cholesterol, Diabeta for diabetes, and Prosac for depression. Even though he had always had an active sex life, the combination of his depression and the drug to control it had suppressed his libido. He did not care until lately. He was sixty-three years old but still looked good. He was six feet tall and had held his weight to 195 pounds. He was bald on top and gray around ...

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