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Skittish Kitten - Part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4823 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: Pleasured
Added: Jun 20 2002Views / Reads: 939 / 787 [84%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
A continuation of my experiment. This section is a bit different from the previous three sections, but still complies with my self-imposed lack of anglo-saxon words.

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Although I believe that this story stands by itself, you would do better to read parts one through three to get a better feel for the characters.


Meg picked me up at the hospital to take me home, and although I could tell from her voice that she was quite upset, she wasn't as upset as I was.

Meg and I had been living together for several months, ever since she sold her home and came to live with me. Life had been wonderful. We shared the cooking and cleaning, consoled each other when things went poorly, celebrated together when things went well, and generally had the kind of relationship that every couple should have. Meg still had to travel on occasion, as did I, and the time away from each other only seemed to enhance the time we had together, and allowed us to appreciate the each other even more. Meg seemed to have completely gotten over her fears resulting from the abusive relationship she had been in, and had blossomed into a wonderful, alive woman. Our sexual relationship had become absolutely wonderful, each of us feeling free to ask for what we would like, with the other free to say no, or not this time. Life simply couldn't have been better.

I had come home from meeting with a client, and as I was walking up to ...

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