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Booty Callthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 2523 words)

Author: Sexual Narcotic
Added: Jun 24 2002Views / Reads: 1697 / 1520 [90%]Story vote: 8.90 (10 votes)
A persistent obscene phone caller gets the tables turned on him and the receiver gets more than she expected.

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The shrill sound of the phone ringing pierced through my quiet house in the middle of the night.

I had just gotten to bed and drifted off to an alcohol buzz-induced sleep after a night out with some friends from work. There was a new guy named Jeff who had just joined the company and at the club that night, he and I flirted shamelessly. I had to leave when I felt myself getting drunk because I didn't want to make a fool out of myself and go too far with him.

Now, with the phone ringing in the middle of the night, I wished I'd have stayed to have a couple more drinks so I could've passed out and slept through a hurricane, let alone the strident noise of the telephone.


"You've got to be kidding," I mumbled out loud and turned to look at the clock through the tiny slits my eyes had become. The red digital numbers, which seemed to wiggle as I read them, glowed two forty-seven. Who in the hell would be calling me at this hour? My hand flailed around until it found the slim handle of the phone, which sat on my nightstand. ...

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