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Surviving at Universitythis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 4236 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: choochoo
Added: Jun 30 2002Views / Reads: 3417 / 2349 [69%]Part vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
How we earned our university expenses

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We where working our way through Medical College and cash flow was down to zero. Talking amongst my fellow students we all agreed that we needed something to help expand our finances. Paul said that we should scour the local ad section of the jobs vacant in an effort to find something that we could fit in with our studies, not an easy task. The situations vacant were all the usual part time jobs, bar staff, waiters, pizzas delivery etc. Paul said that non of the jobs paid very well and we agreed with him. After much thought he came to the conclusion that if we all agreed to club together we could form some sort of part time agency, where we could pool our efforts. I asked him what he had in mind and he said that as we were all young and good-looking guys we should be able to work something out. He said that he had recently seen a movie about a group of ex miners in England who had taken to stripping, and proved to be very successful. I said that I had also seen the movie but male stripping was not so popular in the local area. Paul said, it is not necessary to become strippers, but something on the lines of using our bodies to our advantage. We agreed to give it some thought and pool our suggestions the next day. We all met the following night and over a couple of beers started to formulate our plans. Amongst the suggestions were Escort agencies, Tour guides, male prostitutes and all the usual meagre jobs. One different suggestion, was made by Jimmy, he said that he had seen an advert for Male Life Models, in a local Bar. He had brought the contact number and ...

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