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Party Gamethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2059 words)

Author: Mr Hubbled
Added: Jun 06 2000Views / Reads: 6520 / 4827 [74%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
A wild party game turns into the time of my life.

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Party Game

My name is Tod. I am not a guy who gets too wild, I almost never get drunk and go to wild parties very rarely, but in this case, I was at the right place at the right time and I had the best time in my life. The story starts in a 'not so wild' party that I was attending. I was mainly talking to my friends while other people were either dancing or drinking. The party was at a very big house owned by a girl I knew. It was geting late and most of the people were already gone. Eight people were present, including me, and I was talking to one of them which was a good friend of mine. He said he had to leave now, so I thought of leaving with him but then something caught my attenion. The other six people were takling amongst themselves when one of them was leaving and the others seemed so disappointed it was strange. They tried to talk him out of it, to stay a little longer, but he insisted. Then, they called me over. My friend already left so I didn't see any harm.

I knew all five people but none of them was a friend of mine so I wondered why they called me. They said that after a guy left they were one guy short to play a game and they wanted me to join. To the question of what the game was, they explained the rules: There is a deck of pre-made cards. Every player must take a card and do what it says, if he wants to refuse, he can take off a piece of clothing. The tasks get harder and harder as the game continues. The game goes on until the cards are over or a person is naked. I was still wondering if ...

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