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After the School Ballthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 10448 words)

Author: Sinsane
Added: Jul 19 2002Views / Reads: 3990 / 3389 [85%]Story vote: 9.58 (19 votes)
Full of alcohol and hormones, two friends turn to each other for release after their school ball...

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AFTER THE SCHOOL BALL Copyright © by Sinsane 2002

A fantasy of mine put into words as best I could. I hope you like it. :) Comments are always welcome: wamphyri78@hotmail.com

Scott and Parker had booked their hotel room almost two months before the end of school Formal Ball. The Ball was in a swanky beach side hotel, and most of the students attending had rented rooms for after Ball parties and in the hopes of gettin-it-on with their dates. The ball had started to wind down about 10pm, with the couples heading off to their rooms for romance, and the singles went to the various bars and night clubs that were housed in the huge Hotel complex.

Scott and Parker had gone to The Pulse nightclub and danced for a while, had a few too many drinks along with their friends and were kicked out with the others at closing time. They managed to stumble their way to their room with the aid of a bell hop before collapsing on the bed.

Parker woke up a short time later and tried to wash the fury feeling out of his mouth with a glass of water, but it still felt like a homeless man had been sleeping in his mouth while he had slept. He went out onto the small balcony, the cold air caught in his lungs and chilled him, but it sobered him up a little. He looked down at the swimming pool area just below his balcony (high-rise apartment my arse) and saw a few of his fellow students fooling around in the water or on the lounge ...

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