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Training Lisathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 1588 words)

Author: Kristin
Added: Jul 20 2002Views / Reads: 5925 / 4405 [74%]Story vote: 8.25 (16 votes)
Lisa worked in my building and wanted to surprise her fiance with a bout of anal sex, but she was too nervous to try. I showed her how to enjoy it.

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I'd seen her several times in the smoking section where I work. We'd had a few pleasant conversations, but never anything too deep. She was a few inches shorter then me, maybe 5'4" and was a little tiny thing. She had sexy legs and a great ass. I'd say her cup size was about the size of mine. She almost always wore her blonde hair pulled back.

One day she walked up to me and showed me her engagement ring. One less female I had to compete with in the world. I asked her about her wedding plans and we giggled about girly stuff. Out of the blue she asked me if I wanted to go out and have a drink with her after work. I accepted graciously and went on about my day.

5:00 hit and I was ready to go. I walked downstairs and saw my little blonde friend, Lisa, waiting by the door. She asked if I was still up for it and I figured why not? What else was I going to do on a Thursday afternoon.

We drove to a local bar and took a seat at a table in the lounge. The beers started flowing and we were getting less inhibited the more we drank. As with most girls, the talk turned to sex. She confided that her fiancé was really into anal, but she was scared to try it. I told her of my experience (which is fairly extensive, not to sound like a slut) with it. I had never really considered myself bi, but asked her if she'd like me to show her how to comfortably do it. She asked what I meant. I told her we could go back to my place and I'd use a toy on ...

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