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Shari's night outthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3731 words)

Author: NoEffort
Added: Jul 26 2002Views / Reads: 2834 / 2151 [76%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
A curious woman gets more than her wish as her girlfriend takes control.

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She had just come in from a long hard day of gardening. The weather was extremely hot for early spring this year, and her clothing was sticking to her from the sweat . The sap from the gladiola bulbs, and new daisies she was planting only added to the stickiness she was feeling. She pulled off her gloves and laid them on the new oak table in her dining room. She was so proud of her table. It had been passed down from her grandmother, and her being the only girl child, she not only received the table, but also the fine china that went along with it. She stood there admiring the place settings all set out ready for an elegant dinner party fit for royalty. She thought about it, and knew she was truly lucky in all that she had. Only two years earlier, she had landed the best job of her life, and had steadily worked her way up in the company. Now she was making great money, and could all the finest things in life. She really had it all, everything but someone to share it with. She had been so busy trying to get her life going, that she never stopped long enough to have any steady meaningful relationship. She had many friends, and she lived through their children and spouses. She was very happy for them all, but she told them all that was not the life for her. She was a career woman, with things to do, and she enjoyed the hustle bustle life of the corporate world. Secretly though, she yearned to have that quiet loving life, two kids and a dog. The normalcy of it all seemed somewhat appetizing to her.

She continued up the stairs and into her large bedroom. It was done all ...

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