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surviving at university chapter 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4348 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: choochoo
Added: Jul 27 2002Views / Reads: 978 / 629 [64%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
final chapter of story

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Surviving at University Chapter 3. by choochoo

In chapter 2 I described how the group had expanded and now had girls, on our books.

The Art Models, branch, was going from strength to strength. We had at least 3 bookings a week, from high schools and colleges. I had never thought that, we would be in such demand. Doctors on Call had become well established and with, bookings from artistic societies, and other organisations.

We had started the girls off, in Art Models, as a separated group. They posed mainly for male groups, but things soon changed when we got a booking from a mixed club. The first of these bookings came from a local college. They said that they needed female models for their students. The session was successfully completed without a hitch. So now another string to our bow was, up and running.

I would like to tell you of one of the 'special' bookings.

We had just completed a show for Lilly. She approached Paul and she said that, a party was to be held, at the mansion, of a wealthy banker, and he had requested a very special show for, for his wife's 60th birthday. It was to be held in one week's time. Could we help? I asked her, what kind of show she had in mind. She said that he had asked for a 'theme' ...

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