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The Double - Part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 11395 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: Rum
Added: Jul 29 2002Views / Reads: 1984 / 1501 [76%]Part vote: 9.75 (4 votes)
Kerrie get the lessons that she and I needed.

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This is part 4. Please note that I've never tried to or been seduced by a lover's daughter. The closest that I ever came was when a niece of my ex-wife's decided that she had a crush on me. She was 13 or 14 years old at the time and I knew better, on so many different levels, than to pursue the situation. With that said, I must admit to most of the other physical situations being from one or another relationship in my sweet short life. I truly love the sexual pleasures described. :)

Kerrie and I saw each other over the next few days until her mom went on her trip. We didn't exchange knowing looks or steal moments to look dreamily into each other's eyes. I, for my part, tried to act as normally as we did before THAT night. She, for her part, did likewise. It just seemed like normal except in my own head. I was feeling anxious about being intimate with her but she seemed like nothing untoward had happened. I thanked my stars for her attitude because I didn't want to get into a scene with either her or her mother.

We drove Andrea to the airport the day of her departure and arrived in plenty of time to deposit her bags at the airline's counter and to have a cup of coffee before she went to her gate. Kerrie and I said our goodbyes at the hallway of the airline gates. Andrea and I kissed before she turned and walked down the hallway but before she left she told both of us that she'd call every night to make sure things were alright on the home front. As she was walking away she turned and blew us both a kiss. Kerrie and I left after that. ...

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