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Raylene ch 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 6937 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: Bishop
Added: Jul 29 2002Views / Reads: 4594 / 4194 [91%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Raylene sneaks into her own house so as not to wake her husband. In her mind she relives the events of her downfall.

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Chapter 2

Raylene Jenkins slowly opened the door and slipped into the house. She nearly jumps out of her skin, as the creaking of the hinges seems to echo through the house.

"Oh god please let Denton be asleep? If he catches me like this he'll kill me. Just let me bury these clothes and make it to the shower."

She makes her way quietly to the basement and strips off her clothes, making sure to stuff them into the bottom of the clothes hamper. The cool air on her naked body makes her nipples swell and despite her fear she gets a warm feeling in her center. As she shivers both from the air and the scare she is relieved that at least the children are over at her sisters. She thinks how ironic it would be if one of them saw their mother sneaking through the house stark naked. She would be embarrassed beyond belief and they would surely ask her and their father questions that she didn't want to have to answer.

Peaking into the bedroom she freezes when she sees and hears the covers move. It is long tense minutes before she can breath again as she hears his soft snore. As she moves through the room and sees his head for an instant there is a naughty thought of slipping under the covers ...

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