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Raylene part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 8252 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: Bishop
Added: Aug 03 2002Views / Reads: 2648 / 2260 [85%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Raylene's on the run but in the end she's knows she's got to face Denton. Can she hold onto her marriage?

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Chapter 4

Denton returned home at noon. His weariness had temporarily blunted his anger at his wife. He knew that would return however in spades once he got some rest. With his former best friend dealt with he could now turn his full attention to the mess at home. His heart still ached and his mind reeled at the reality of what she'd done. As he walked into the dark house he tried to get a grip on all that he had seen at Avery's. He had only viewed parts of various tapes but what he saw of his wife tortured him. The story she told him didn't begin to tell what really went on. She truly became a slut, a whore for Avery. He saw more passion come out of her in that first scene that she had given him in months. When he thought of how she maintained that stuffy, prudish almost frigid bitch persona with him he wanted to throttle her. He wondered how could things ever be the same again.

He called out not really expecting an answer so he was not surprised when he got none. He proceeded to the bedroom and secured his pistol. Just then the phone rang.


"Denton this is Shandra." ...

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