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The Librarianthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 47473 words)

Author: Magic Man
Added: Jun 08 2000Views / Reads: 5239 / 3517 [67%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Story of the sexual exploits of a college librarian.

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The Librarian

by Magic Man

You sit at your desk cursing yourself for telling George and Pam to go home when the library was so dead earlier. You were working the late night (Wednesday) and were taking tomorrow off since you were also scheduled to work the following Saturday. Earlier the three of you were bored out of your skulls. You had caught up on all the filing of the returned books, straightened out all the magazines and all the other evening tasks. There hadn't been a student to wander through the library doors for over an hour. Since you were planning to go out right after you closed up, you told the other two that they should go ahead and leave early as long as they waited for you to change before sliding out.

You went into the bathroom to take off your usual work clothes. You had spent most of the morning getting a great tan on your shapely legs and wanted to show them off at Trivia night at the local frozen drink establishment so you had selected your best mini skirt for the evening. Now you didn't want anybody to get the wrong idea so you made sure to wear a conservative white button down blouse with a sensible bra underneath. You had skipped the panty hose because the breeze felt so good against your bare legs and besides you wanted to show off that great tan.


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