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One Step Closerthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 2926 words)

Author: PSUslut
Added: Aug 08 2002Views / Reads: 2639 / 2201 [83%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
In my second sexual escapade with a man, an acquaintance of mine, who's dating another man, takes his relationship frustrations out on me...(true account again)

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One Step Closer

(Again, this is a true account.... happened about 3 months after my last account...The Beginning of A Long, Slutty Road.... feel free to email me with feedback or whatever, make sure you leave an addy where I can respond to....e-mail me at finite69@hotmail.com)

Being a freshman in college, and not knowing anyone but my roommates, I thought it best to make as many friends in my classes as possible, so that I could have a base of people to socialize with in my time at Penn State Altoona. I managed to make quite a few friends, and hit quite a few parties every weekend. I found myself quite wasted on a number of occasions, and even managed to hook up with a few women.

One evening, I was partying at a friend's apartment complex. I was standing outside on her porch, drinking and smoking a cig, and talking to a few people. All but one guy, Jake, left before I was done my cigarette, to go in and play cards or something. Jake was also still working on his cigarette, so we both chilled out on the porch and chatted. He was 25, and had taken a few years off after high school and was just starting his second year in college. I had talked to him at a few other parties, and had played a game of beer pong against him earlier in the night, so we just bullshitted for a while. The topic got onto a few of them women at the party, and I asked him if he was seeing one of the girls I saw him talking to and he told me that he wasn't, ...

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