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The True Story of Snow White Ch. 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 5837 words) [9/9] show all parts

Author: The Story Teller
Added: Aug 13 2002Views / Reads: 916 / 768 [84%]Part vote: 9.75 (4 votes)
Snow White receives an unexpected Anniversary guest.

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Snow White signed in disgust. As first anniversaries went, this one SUCKED! Today was supposed to be special and wonderful. And not only that, she was supposed to be getting sex, lots of hot, steamy sex. Hell, by this time she should have been limp from so much sex. At this point, she'd even be satisfied with a quickie, if only she could find Cassius!

Growling under her breath, Snow White stormed through the front entrance of the castle. There was not one inch of this damn castle that she had not searched and, still, no Cassius.

A quick glance at the hall clock had her throwing her hands up in defeat. Now there was no more time for even a quickie. Their dinner guests would be arriving in a little less than two hours and she still needed to bathe and get into her ball gown. Narrowing her eyes, she stomped up the stairs, vowing that Cassius would pay for keeping her stewing all day.

* * *

The door to their bedchamber was already open when Snow White reached it. As she reached out to close the door, her hand just gripped the very edge and slipped off, breaking a nail in the process. Hissing at the slight pain, she added the injustice to her list and left the door open. ...

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