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Trick or Treatthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 3513 words)

Author: Fredrick Arch Picture in profile
Added: Aug 19 2002Views / Reads: 2109 / 1837 [87%]Story vote: 8.57 (7 votes)
A town is cursed on one night of the year.

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Thanks to the reader who pointed out my lack of editing. I went over it again and I hope this is better.

It was once again Halloween here in Spencer, Tennessee. The kids were all done with trick or treating by 10:00 pm and the curfew was in affect. The adults knew that the kids would be asleep until morning and until then, they would hide themselves in their homes. The streets were barren by 10:30 as everyone tried to forget the stories of years past.

Oh, sure they could have left the town, it was done before... several times. Somehow news of their demise always reached the small, quiet town. They got cancer... They got hit by a bus... It was always the same... If you left the town you died.

Tanya sat, watching TV when the bell rang. Her heart jumped in fright as she tried to decide what to do. She knew if she didn't answer, the worst would happen so she slowly approached her front door. Almost crying now, she opened the door to see the Witch standing there smiling. She was just as beautiful as the stories had said. Being at least 6' tall, the witch towered over the petite school teacher. Long raven-black hair framed a beautiful face whose ruby red lips smiled captivatingly. Tanya's small frame was considered by most to be cute, though in comparison to the witch, she thought to herself, she was downright homely. The enchantress stood at her door, wearing a low cut ...

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