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Playing Hookythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4331 words)

Author: Gunthar
Added: Jun 10 2000Views / Reads: 5685 / 4383 [77%]Story vote: 8.64 (11 votes)
A hot day at the lake

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Playing Hooky

Early one hot humid evening during a long heat wave last summer, my wife, Monique, and I were talking about how much we needed a vacation. We were both fairly new in our jobs, and didn't have much vacation time. But we really needed a break. So we decided to play hooky the next day. We'd both call in sick, complaining about summer allergies or something, and then have the day to play. We started talking about what to do, and decided to pack for the day and go canoeing and our favorite lake, a couple of hours out of town. We could spend the day canoeing and swimming, and head home in the evening. I sounded like the perfect escape. So perfect, that we figured our friends, Natalie and Dave, might like to join us.

We called Natalie and Dave, and told them what we were thinking. They agreed that it sounded like the perfect way to spend a hot summer day. Certainly a lot better than a hot summer day in the office! So we packed up some things and headed off to bed early, in eager anticipation of our day of hooky.

The next morning we packed everything in the car, loaded on the canoe, and, after feigning sickness for our respective employers, headed off. The weather forecast promised another hot humid day, with no chance of rain. They were no regrets about how we were planning to spend the day! ...

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