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Fate's Cruel Jokesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4199 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: DRD Pike
Added: Sep 04 2002Views / Reads: 621 / 540 [87%]Part vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
Is Jim loosening up?? Is there fun to be had?

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Chapter Three

The remainder of the work week passed with little incident. After the first few slightly awkward days, things returned mostly to normal, though Jim still had the feeling people were walking on egg shells around him. Business was up though, and with all the associated commotion and chaos, Jim had enough to keep him busy that he hardly took the time to worry about how delicate a flower most people seemed to think he was.

"Jimbo, you coming out with us tonight?" the voice called from his door way.

"You know, it is customary to knock on someone's door before inviting yourself in Diane, or don't they teach you that down in sales? How are things down there anyhow?"

"You know us Jim, selling ice to Eskimos and convincing them they're getting the better half of the deal."

"You're a cruel heartless shark, Diane."

"Why thank you Jim, sweet talk like that will get you everywhere."

"And just what would Wayne have to say about that?" ...

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