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The Pool Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3177 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: lildavidj
Added: Sep 04 2002Views / Reads: 8947 / 7786 [87%]Part vote: 9.00 (15 votes)
David thought it was a normal pool party he had been invited to....little did he know what was to transpire. This is part one of what will be a several part story.

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The Pool Party (Part One)

He had just closed a long and exhausting case and he was headed home to relax for a couple days. It had been a day and night grind for the past six weeks and he was both exhausted and extremely satisfied. It was his biggest, most important case ever and they had won! His partners were also extremely pleased by the amount of the fees that would be afforded the firm. He was riding high as he flew down the freeway headed for the suburbs. He planned to lie by the pool and be a complete zombie.

As he pulled into his drive and surveyed his beautiful home, he realized he hadn't had much time to enjoy it. He had needed a complete change of things in his life after his divorce, so he got out of their city apartment and moved to the suburbs. Both he and his wife had been buried in their careers. They had drifted apart and she had had an affair with one of her business colleagues. It came as a complete shock to him. It had been nearly a year and he had not even given a thought to dating again. He was still burying himself in his work and his career.

He grabbed a beer as headed through the kitchen toward the master bedroom. He quickly traded his business suit for a swimsuit and went straight to the pool. He soon fell asleep in the warm sunshine and as he awoke, he realized that nightfall had set in. He thought he heard ...

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