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Party Gamesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3117 words)

Author: choochoo
Added: Sep 06 2002Views / Reads: 19079 / 15346 [80%]Story vote: 8.62 (8 votes)
Sex games are fun

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PARTY GAMES. By Choochoo

It started with an invitation from Marline. The card said that we were invited to a candlelight supper with, adventurous evening entertainment. She recommended that we came by cab, as the evening could become, rather intoxicating. Charlie, my husband, asked me what I thought, adventurous evening entertainment, could be. I replied that knowing Marline and Will, it could mean anything, as there outlook on life was so easy going, and asked him if we should accept and just take a chance on the outcome of the evening. He said, why not as life lately, had become a little stale, and we could both do with a little light relief in our busy lives. I said that I would reply that we would be delighted to attend their supper evening, and wrote a note of acceptance, immediately.

The night of the party arrived. We arrived at Marline and Wills house and were greeted at the door and led into the lounge. There were already some other guests and to our surprise, we knew them well. Joyce and Mark, we had known for a number of years, both socially and through our work. Jayne & Steve, we had met on several occasions at social functions. The conversation was soon in full swing and the wine was starting to flow, freely. By the time Marline announced that supper was served, we were feeling really relaxed and all seemed to be enjoying each other's company.


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