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Rachaels fantasythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2776 words)

Author: Nafter
Added: Sep 10 2002Views / Reads: 2018 / 1693 [84%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Rachael has been wanting Jay since she saw him, now is her chance!

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She sat in class and tried her best to stay awake. The professor was using Powerpoint as his lecture aid and they all had the slides in front of them. "Doesn't he know that we can read?" Rachael thought to herself. She looked at the clock to see how much longer she had to sit through his mumbling.

After realizing there was only 5 minutes left she smiled to herself, and happened to notice that Jay was staring right at her. He quickly looked away when she caught his gaze. This made her smile even bigger, although she tried to keep it to herself.

Ever since her first day on campus she had thought that Jay was hot...and she was not alone. All of her sorority sisters agreed - Jay was by far the best looking guy on campus. He was about 6'2", with blond hair and beautiful green eyes. His smile was incredible, as was his extremely fit body! Where every girl wanted Jay, every guy wanted Rachael. She stood 5'5 and had a body that most girls dreamed of - an hourglass shape, complete with long legs and a tight ass. Not only was she beautiful, but she was smart too - as a freshman she was already enrolled in Sophomore level science classes. She had many guys tell her how lucky they were to find someone like her "Brains and beauty!"

Class was finally over and as Rachael stood up she noticed that Jay was coming her way. With a quick lick of her lips (to make sure they looked sensual) Rachael turned towards him. ...

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