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The College Yearsthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 2617 words)

Author: love21
Added: Sep 17 2002Views / Reads: 4116 / 3394 [82%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
Four collegiate friends finally add some truth to the frequent lesbian suspicions that they are often teased about.

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Let's first look at Jackie: Attractive, simple, intelligent and sexually liberated. Although her ‘personal experience' is less than ,let' say a female escort, she is one who knows exactly what tickles her fancy. Her close friends tease her quite a bit because of her sexual openness. "Jackie's comments are always sexual...even if she doesn't intend for them to be." Being completely comfortable with her sexuality, Jackie's total number of sexual inhibitions: 0. Next in line we have Erica: Attractive, mysterious, smart and sexually interested. She got started a little later than most girls but quickly made up for it during her first two years in college. This was a girl who loved the sexual attention she got from the males. And believe me, she got it! Although she wasn't as comfortable as Jackie with being sexually open, she knew that she liked to have ‘fun.' Kayla would have to be the sexiest one of the group based on the fact that she had a great body, particularly the boobs. She got the guys attention and she knew it. When this girl became drunk, the word "slut" magically tattooed itself to her forehead for all to see. She loved to flirt and with alcohol in her system, the flirting became more of the physical kind. Of course anything that involved sex of any kind was out of the question because Kayla was indeed seriously involved...with a rather strong guy. She saved all sex-capades for him. And of course, there's Tracy: Cute, simple, goofy and virginal. It was easy to sum up her sexual experiences...there wasn't any. Sure, she always joined in on the sex talk and she wasn't particularly embarrassed of the conversations. In fact she wasn't very shy at all, she just never had ...

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