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The Art Showthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 5952 words)

Author: Libertine
Added: Sep 23 2002Views / Reads: 3556 / 3136 [88%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
Guy meets younger female and invites her home for threesome with his wife. Includes FFM and first time FF

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The Art Show

My name is Jim, I'm mid thirtys and I live in a semi rural commuter town with my wife. Jenny is a year younger than I am and currently works in a medical practice in the next town. I take the train to the city each day and work as a design engineer for a plastics company. Jenny and I have been together for about 10 years and married for the last 5. We don't have any kids and I'm not sure that we ever will. I guess we are too selfish about our life-style to want to involve that sort of responsibility.

The town we live in is a pretty place on the fringe between outer suburbia and a true rural farming community. Nothing remarkable happens here and most people get along well with their neighbours. The football team does well and there is a well used tennis court and local swimming pool.

The only cultural highlight would be the Art Show which the Primary school Parents and Citizens group run each year, the last week of summer. There are a number of budding artists along with a few old fashioned daubers in the community who enjoy exhibiting their work each year and they are often joined by like minded people from the surrounding Shire and beyond. The Friday night opening has become quite a highlight on the community calendar and is usually well attended, if not to be first in line to purchase any works of merit, at ...

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