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First Comingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 4586 words)

Author: MathGirl
Added: Sep 25 2002Views / Reads: 7392 / 5144 [70%]Story vote: 9.11 (18 votes)
Diane discovers her sexuality and experiences her first orgasm. First of a series about a young girl's sexual awakening.

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by MathGirl

First in a series about a young girl's

awakening to love and sexuality


I could hardly wait to put on the beautiful new lingeree John had given me, but I showered and carefully shaved even though I couldn't find even the tiniest trace of roughness on my legs or underarms. I didn't want him to feel anything but smoothness when he touched me, and I wanted him to touch me a lot.

All his touches so far have been exciting and wonderful. I'm not absolutely positive, but I'm pretty sure that I'd like him touching me all over. Everywhere. I'm almost certain I'd like that. A lot. I'm sure he's was going to do it, too. That's a nice thing to anticipate, being touched and wondering how it will feel.

I've heard girls talking about not letting their boyfriends 'go too far,' but the idea of not letting John do anything he wanted to me has never entered my mind. I don't think the concept of 'going too far' ...

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