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Paying a Visitthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:threesomes, 2910 words)

Author: 31REDMAN
Added: Oct 01 2002Views / Reads: 6201 / 5207 [84%]Story vote: 9.50 (8 votes)
Jay is feeling strange about losing his virginity to Tom a couple weeks earlier. He stops by Tom's to talk about his feeling and misgivings, but he ends up in an even more precarious situation, there ends up being alot more action than conversation.

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Paying a Visit

I do some strange stuff sometimes. I've been in situations that, well, I'd rather no one else knew about. None of the boys around home anyway. Well, I've been in places... and did some things that they would frown upon, to put it nicely. I already told you about the first time I was with another guy, that was strange, I felt strange during and after all that happened. I was certainly confused, not sure what to make of what I did and why I couldn't stop thinking about it since that drunkin' night. I'd had some strange cravings and some weird thoughts that would pop into my head at the strangest times, like in the locker room at the gym, or when I'm all alone at night, wackin' off to thoughts of people I'd met and the things they would do to me... things they would make me do. I needed someone to talk to about this and Tom was the only one I felt might know something about this, he was the only one around who might know what I was going through. So one night, after I had come home from a party, alone, slightly drunk, slightly stoned, and totally, frustratingly, horny, I decided to pay Tom a visit and ask him for some advice.

Tom lives just down the road from my place, I could walk there in minutes, and stay pretty much out of sight by sticking closely to the shadows of the trees that line our road. It was dark behind Tom's and I felt sure that I wouldn't be seen by anyone I knew who might be out at this hour. Quietly walking up to his bedroom window I knocked on ...

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