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The Taking of a Wife Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 7460 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: dc2469
Added: Oct 09 2002Views / Reads: 5417 / 4361 [81%]Part vote: 8.72 (18 votes)
Daniel and Jenni get deeper involved, and there is a surprise in the end.

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The Taking of a Wife part 2 By dc2469

This is a work of fiction, it is intended for adults only. If you are under 18 please leave this site. Thank you

As I pushed the garage door opener, I turned left off the main street into my driveway and pulled into the garage. After parking the car, I went into the house through the back entry. Dropping the keys into the dish, on the table, I picked up the newspaper that was sitting there and walked into the kitchen. After putting the paper on the table, I looked around and not seeing anyone went past the living room down the hall toward the bedroom. That's where I found her. She was face down in the middle of our king sized bed.

Jenni was fast asleep, her face and shoulders covered in a cloud of shiny black hair. She had her arms rapped around one of the small pillows that she uses to decorate the bed once it's made. I leaned up against the doorjamb and just watched her. She was wearing her basic at home attire, though I would hardly call it basic. On top was a small tank top that stopped at her waist, and on the bottom was a pair of panties. Today they were a thong type that hugged her close, and showed off her ass, to perfection.

It has been six months since she moved in with me, and it has been one wild ride. During the first couple of months she went through a lot of ...

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