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Lisa's Firstthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5285 words)

Author: KK
Added: May 18 2000Views / Reads: 2523 / 2046 [81%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
When Lisa's husband watches basketball instead of making love to her, Lisa finds another way to get what she needs.

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For the last four years my sex lift has sucked. I keep complaining to my wife, Lisa, that whenever I want to make love to her she is either in bed asleep or says she is too tired. I remind her how much she used to enjoy sex and now we make love about once every two or three weeks. Lisa always puts the blame back on me saying “If you would come to bed at a decent hour instead of watching ball games or movies every night till after 11:00. It is not my fault if I get bored and fall asleep." It’s always the same argument, the words are different but the content is the same.

Lisa and I have been married for twelve years. We met in our last year of high school and dated all through college. We got married the year we got out of college. Lisa was a virgin when I met her and she made me wait over a year before she had sex with me. Our first attempts were clumsy but after some reading, seeing some porno movies, and experimenting on our own we learned how to make our love making exciting and enjoyable. I realize that over time a married couples sexual activity will decline but ours remained strong for eight years then suddenly seemed to hit a road block. I have never cheated on Lisa and I would bet my life that she had never cheated on me. I was at a loss as to how to fix this problem.

One night a few months ago Lisa and I had another one of our arguments ...

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