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Owning Laurathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1798 words)

Author: puppy
Added: Oct 21 2002Views / Reads: 2077 / 1342 [65%]Story vote: 7.00 (5 votes)
Lauras master provides entertainment to a biker club.

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Owning Laura

Laura opened her eyes again to see another cock waving in front of her attached to another biker with a dank smelling black leather vest.. Of course she couldn't refuse (and wouldn't), being locked in the hand and head pillory. From behind she could feel the other reaching climax as she was fucked mercilessly from behind over and over by the Death Piston motorcycle gang. There he goes. The warm feeling of cum oozing into her and dripping down her sore snatch. No sooner than he'd gotten off his eager replacement was nudging up for entry. The man in front was stuffing his large cock down her throat and pulling on her hair to take more. She felt a slight gag but suppressed it, wanting the salty treat.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the surreal cyber camera and lights taking in all the action. The omniscient lens beaming the scene off to waiting recipients who knows where. Likely other Death Piston clubhouses. Laura didn't care. She was pleasing Sue, her Mistress. Sue was her owner. She was her slave. Sue had arranged for the Death Pistons some entertainment. The kind Laura loved to do. Sue was the biker bitch of the head of the gang, Emilio. Laura looked over at Sue, sitting there with her leather chaps and denim. Laura felt a need to improve her performance with the guy she was giving head to, or rather getting her face fucked by. She really started on him with her studded tongue piercing. He let out a deep moan and she felt the familiar ...

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