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Morganthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 5129 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: Thall
Added: Jun 14 2000Views / Reads: 2045 / 1854 [91%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Continuation of Morgan's journy of discovery and romance with her new boyfriend.

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Morgan II


Tony awoke slowly, he was still groggy from sleep, he opened his eyes. He was confused at first, he was not in his room. He was in a very feminine room. A huge smile formed on his lips, he forgot, he was no longer a virgin.

Morgan rolled over, she mumbled something he didn't understand and snuggled up closer to him, her hand came to rest on his chest. He could feel her hot breath on his neck. She bought one leg over his legs and stretched her long leg down along his, her foot stretching past his. She was six foot six, he five foot ten and they were made for each other.

Tony gently stroked her chestnut hair, pulling it from her face, he reached over and touched her face, genlty running his fingers over her cheeks, he touched her eyelids, down her nose to her lips, they were so soft, so kissable.

He looked down her long body. He felt a tingle, he smiled as he gazed upon her beautiful body. How in the world could she think she was unbecoming. For so long he had dreamed of being with her, but had been unable to approach her. Then screwing up his courage and asking her ...

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