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A Gift Horse part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 6993 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: maxicue
Added: Oct 24 2002Views / Reads: 355 / 307 [86%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
The horse bites hard. Our hero finds some much needed female assistance.

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Once the murk subsided, I found myself naked in my own bed. Through the liquid haze my sight slowly panned across the little apartment until it stopped at the computer monitor. It was quiet, cold and gray. Maybe it was all it would ever be without Angela captaining its visionary space. I struggled, hung over, empty, to the chair before it. I turned it on. I began to type. My head felt like a spike was wedging it open with some unknown hammer. Perhaps it was God's hammer. I stopped typing. I didn't care about myself. But I had to eat. If only to record what had happened, to fix what had happened, I needed sustenance.

Though it tasted like nothing, like cotton, I managed to swallow a large sub Connie had prepared earlier that day, or whatever day it had been. Two days ago? Longer? The thought of the bar flashed through my brain. I trusted the new bartenders. I didn't care though if they filched me, if the money was gone, if they closed up due to my absence. It just didn't matter. I downed a large bottle of water. My head cleared. I began to type.

Hours later, finally done, I looked at the computer's time and date. Two days had passed since I had entered Shirley's home. Who knows how long since I had last seen my lost angel, Angela? It was midday, just afternoon. I called my uncle. ...

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