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SEX EDUCATION IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2661 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: rob
Added: Oct 25 2002Views / Reads: 1660 / 1091 [66%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
this is the second part of Sex education

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The next time I had sex with my Aunt was to be three days after that first night. No opportunity presented its self prior to that. Aunt was alone in the house after dad had left for work. She was in a nightgown and was picking up the dishes from breakfast. I walked up behind her and grabbed her in a hug. I wrapped both hands on her breasts and pulled her tight against me. All I had on were my boxers. As I nuzzled her neck I felt my cock get hard and slap against her butt. I slid down my hand and felt her bare bush against my prying fingers. Aunt gasped and felt the head of my cock poke through the slit of my boxers.

She told me, "Not yet, I removed my diaphragm when I got up this morning, and am not protected." >> >>I bent her over the table and probed with my cock against her pussy lips. She gasped again as I probed. I told her, "Anytime!" >> >>With that she reached between her legs and placed her hand firmly around my cock and placed it in her pussy. I slid it the rest of the way in and felt no resistance at all. I said, "You don't have your diaphragm in.....maybe we should... You might get..." With that she moved against me and pushed me deeper. Being so horny I worked my cock in long slow strokes. I grabbed her hips and pulled her against my in going thrusts. >> >>She gasped, "Fill me... with your...seed baby... you need... to know what...an unprotected... womb...feels..... like...do it now." She placed her head on the table and held on with her hands to the sides. I started to slap my balls against her clit. We worked against each other for some time. She gasped, "I'm cuuuuummmmminnnng!" I felt the heat in her pussy ...

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